
Your Enneagram Type


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An Enneagram Inspired Holiday Gift Guide

An Enneagram-inspired Gift Guide that is full of ideas for every type.

Do you struggle to find the perfect gift for your friends and family each holiday season? We all desire to give our loved ones a thoughtful present that leaves them feeling both loved and understood. But sometimes, it can be difficult to identify a gift that reflects each individual’s unique personality type.  

The Enneagram is a powerful “personality assessment”’ that helps us not only how we think, but WHY we think the way we do. It offers insight into what motivates, inspires, and interests us. It can highlight your core weakness to your core desire—as well as give you insight into your loved ones around you.

We wanted to harness the information that Enneagram offers and remove the guesswork from your holiday shopping experience. That’s why we worked with their team to develop an Enneagram-inspired gift guide filled with expert recommendations from stocking stuffers to gifts that the entire family will love.

Whether you’re shopping for Nurturing Supporters or Introspective Individualists, there is a gift idea for every personality type. We are confident that our guide will inspire you and make your holiday shopping experience not only enjoyable, but intentional too.

Download the free Enneagram-inspired Gift Guide here!

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